When you need a true companion while on the field, you know that there’s only one guide to turn to. For years, the EMS Field Guide has been an essential reference tool for EMTs. So it doesn't matter if you are a student or a 25-year veteran of EMS - anyway you look at it, this guide gives you finger-tip access to all of the essential information to perform your job.
This 6th edition EMS Field Guide Basic & Intermediate Version is updated with the latest cardiac arrest and CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association. The book features full color graphics and texts, professionally printed on tear-resistant and waterproof plastic, so it can be there with you even in the toughest conditions.

This edition features EMS protocols, spell-checking, EKGs, defibrillation, home medications and much more. Like all the field guides available at DixieEMS, this is the text you'll use in class and take with you throughout your career in the field.
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