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Get some Kolling sensation into your bandage

There are many different methods to relieve pain and reduce swelling, but there is one way that I believe is the best and most effective. It is Koldcare Koldwrap and it combines the valuable use of a bandage and the wonders of a soothing cool sensation.

The bandage is made of an exclusive formulation of gelled water and elastic foam material. When the two combined and the bandage is wrapped around an injured area, the gel-imbedded material evaporates water to effectively cool the injury. The cooling effect will stay for hours and there are no dangers that are associated with ice application such as tissue damage from excessive cold.

This wrap can even be refrigerated for extra coolness effect and can ease pain and swelling due to sprains, bruises, insect bites, nosebleeds, toothaches, muscle cramps, migraine headaches, arthritis, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel.

The benefits of Koldwrap bandage line:
  • Wraps completely around the injured area to effectively cool from all sides
  • Can be worn directly against the skin
  • Conforms to all body contours
  • Not wet or messy
  • Nontoxic and nonirritant
  • Cools by evaporation
  • Can be refrigerated for enhanced cooling
  • Cost-effective to use
  • Reusable
  • Recommended by athletic trainers, physicians and physical therapists
  • Gel is 96% water
  • Time-released cooling effect lasts for hours
For more information, visit us at Read More!

When in need for emergency reference there is only one place to turn to

This is a handy little device I always carry around with me, it’s called the Pedi-Wheel and it’s a convenient pocket reference tool that actually puts the most vital pediatric data at my fingertips. All the information I need in order to successfully perform during a pediatric emergency is on this sturdy reference guide.

How does it work? Well, I turn the dial to point on my patient’s age on one side and I get tons of helpful information such as: average weight, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, suggested sizes for ET tubes and laryngoscope blades, as well as the average length of a properly inserted ET tube at the teeth or gum line.

On the other side I can choose the patient’s weight and quickly find all sorts of pre-calculated doses including: Adenosine, Atropine, Bretylium, Diazepam, Epinephrine, Lidocaine and Narcan.

This full-color, water-resistant wheel fits right in my pocket and available online at Read More!

How to treat minor burns?

Minor burns, which usually include first and second degree burns can be treated at home, if they involve only a small part of the body, not larger than a couple of inches. How to treat a minor burn?
  1. Remove all kinds of jewelry surrounding the wound.
  2. Soak the burn area in cool water for a couple of minutes. Don’t use ice. Cold water will help remove the heat and ease the pain.
  3. Though it is common to use butter as first-aid remedy, it is not recommended to do so as it could cause permanent damage to the skin.
  4. After cleaning the area, you should apply antibiotic ointment, and cover the wound with a bandage.
  5. Taking an over the counter pain reliever can also help to ease the pain.
First and second degree burns can happen around the house or outside. They usually heal in a few days but you should always watch for infection, swelling or fever. Remember to get medical help if any side effects occur or if the burn is in a sensitive area such as hands, feet, gentiles, or joints.

It's always to be prepared for any burn emergency with Special Burn Kits. At you can find various emergency and burn first aid kits with a combination of dressings, wraps, blankets and Burn Jel. Read More!

The EMS Field Guide: Critical information at your fingertips

When you need a true companion while on the field, you know that there’s only one guide to turn to. For years, the EMS Field Guide has been an essential reference tool for EMTs. So it doesn't matter if you are a student or a 25-year veteran of EMS - anyway you look at it, this guide gives you finger-tip access to all of the essential information to perform your job.

This 6th edition EMS Field Guide Basic & Intermediate Version is updated with the latest cardiac arrest and CPR guidelines from the American Heart Association. The book features full color graphics and texts, professionally printed on tear-resistant and waterproof plastic, so it can be there with you even in the toughest conditions.

The guide is easy to use, thanks to the accessible spiral design and the critical information that's meeting the needs of first responders, EMTs, paramedics, fire fighters, nurses, physicians, law enforcement and corrections professionals and homeland security personnel worldwide.

This edition features EMS protocols, spell-checking, EKGs, defibrillation, home medications and much more. Like all the field guides available at DixieEMS, this is the text you'll use in class and take with you throughout your career in the field. Read More!