This is why it is important to know the first aid ABC. It is an easy way to remember the basic steps a rescuer needs to go through when checking a victim.
ABC of First Aid:
A stands for Airway
B stands for Breathing
C for Circulations
As we mentioned, these are the most important indicators to check. If the victim is responsive, try and speak to speak and see if he or she can answer so you’d know the airway is clear. If the airway is blocked, roll the victim on his back while safely securing the head. You can then clear his airway by opening the mouth.
When the victim is breathing but unconscious, you want to roll him on the side while securing the neck and head, and open the mouth in order to make sure that the airway will not be blocked by the tongue. If the victim is unconscious put your hand or ear near his mouth and check for breathing. You can also place a small mirror to see breath. If there are no signs of breathing, don’t wait for the ambulance and start performing CPR. C for circulation means checking the victim’s pulse.
It’s always recommended to buy first aid kit and keep it at hand. At Dixie EMS you can find the perfect first-aid kit that suits your personal needs. Give our customer service department a call (800.347.3494) or visit us online at and let us take care of all of your emergency preparedness requirements.
I just came across to your blog and reading your post and also watching your video it is very impressive me it is very important to know about first aid its helps to people every time,We all know that properly administered first aid could save a person's life, which makes the importance of learning first aid and to choose the correct, authorized first aid and first aid courses training imperative. Each first aid course has its own set of offerings. A basic first aid course will give you the ABC's of treating most minor injuries including burns, abrasions, and bruises.
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