Dealing with emergencies can be much more efficient if people are knowledgeable and properly trained to assist their co-workers, friends and family. Experts believe that while teaching basic first-aid, realism is very important. When people know what to expect, they can function better in time of need and one way to achieve realism is by using mannequins and make-up.

The Simulaids Basic Casualty Simulation Kit is the most economical way to get started in simulated injuries. Re-usable wounds and refillable accessories let you practice bandaging and splinting techniques repeatedly. It includes wounds such as compound fracture Tibia and 12 assorted stick-on lacerations and open fractures as well as coagulant makeup blood, casualty simulation wax, 2 wood tongue depressors and much more accessories. has a large selection of Casualty Simulators available along with all your EMS needs.
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