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Endotracheal Tubes

The endotracheal tube, or ETT, is a crucial piece of any EMS gear. The insertion of the ETT is called intubation. While this process can be difficult at times, a laryngoscope can be used to aid intubation. The attendant’s fingers can also be used, which is called “digital intubation.” The desired region of the tub should be about 2 centimeters above the carina, or the bifurcation of the lungs. After this it is connected to an oxygen source or a self-inflating bag.

EMT supplies like the ETT are used most often during cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or for general anesthesia, when non invasive breathing methods are not practical or efficient.

Sir Ivan Magill was the inventor of this EMS gear, the need for which came from soldiers in WWI with extreme facial injuries and the inability to deliver anesthesia with a mask. Today most tracheotomies are oral, however nasotracheal intubation is also common, especially during mouth surgeries. This protects the patient from their own blood, vomitus, or any other regurgitation. The ETT is one of the most important EMT supplies. Here’s a how to video:

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