No matter where you work, no place is immune to emergency accidents. Sure some places are more prone to seeing injury than others, but ultimately, it’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s a good idea to have a bag of
emergency medical supplies, so that for minor accidents like a bruise or a burn, treatment is readily available in the form of instant cold compress paks. If there occurs something more serious, like if someone goes into cardiac arrest, or breaks a finger, then it’s probably time to call in the professionals.
It’s a good idea to evaluate your work environment to determine how much or what kind of
EMS gear you may need. For example, if you work in an office, a basic first aid kit will probably suffice for treating most injuries. If you work in a gym, let’s say, you would probably want to go with an industrial first aid kit because you will be seeing injuries more diverse and frequently.
Or if you want to keep your own stash of emergency medical supplies in your purse or in your back pocket, you’ll be surprised at how often you use it to treat scrapes burns and hurts. Why neglect your safety? Feel comfortable and don’t settle for improper treatment of pain, even if it is minor.
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