Some of the gear a rescue team or rescue crew needs are things like backboards, cervical collars, head immobilizers, splits and extrication devices. Some of the more personal items also include options like coats, pants, helmets, shoes and protective ensembles. Now, if you’re unsure what guidelines you should be following or what products to buy, it's always a good idea to follow the NFPA Guidelines which is going to give you all the standard products and supplies you need for your specific job. All you have to do is scroll down the list, like NFPA 402: guide for aircraft rescue and firefighting operations and you can see what items you should have for that specific position or job.
Most all of the items you need as an Emergency or Healthcare worker can easily be found on our website including gear for EMS, EMT, Rescue Workers, Doctors, and Hospitals. Everything from Pharmaceuticals and First Aid Kits to Medical bags and Diagnostic equipment! We know as well as you that your job is an important one, and it's also one that requires the right equipment at the right price!
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