There are many different methods to relieve pain and reduce swelling, but there is one way that I believe is the best and most effective. It is Koldcare Koldwrap and it combines the valuable use of a bandage and the wonders of a soothing cool sensation.
The bandage is made of an exclusive formulation of gelled water and elastic foam material. When the two combined and the bandage is wrapped around an injured area, the gel-imbedded material evaporates water to effectively cool the injury. The cooling effect will stay for hours and there are no dangers that are associated with ice application such as tissue damage from excessive cold.
This wrap can even be refrigerated for extra coolness effect and can ease pain and swelling due to sprains, bruises, insect bites, nosebleeds, toothaches, muscle cramps, migraine headaches, arthritis, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel.
The benefits of Koldwrap bandage line:
- Wraps completely around the injured area to effectively cool from all sides
- Can be worn directly against the skin
- Conforms to all body contours
- Not wet or messy
- Nontoxic and nonirritant
- Cools by evaporation
- Can be refrigerated for enhanced cooling
- Cost-effective to use
- Reusable
- Recommended by athletic trainers, physicians and physical therapists
- Gel is 96% water
- Time-released cooling effect lasts for hours