Accidents happen - its common sense. But in order to keep yourself safe it's always a good idea to keep a first aid kit in your house along with other necessary emergency medical supplies. Some of the supplies you are going to be packing into your first aid kit are even going to be the same things that any EMT supplies kit or EMS gear team would carry. These are emergency medical supplies that could end up saving YOUR life or someone around you! Obviously some of these items are no-brainers such as gauze, bandages and scissors, but there may be some other products you haven't thought of or you think you might not need such as a CPR kit.
This might seem scary, but once you take a few classes on how to do CPR (which is something you will definitely need to do), you will probably end up being really thankful you decided to put a CPR kit inside your home. More than 3000 people die from choking every single year - most of these are children. We all know kids will put almost anything in their mouths, but they also can choke on other things as well such as food that wasn't properly cut up or chewed. Frankly, I would hope that every parent would put aside their frightening thoughts about what could happen, and instead be prepared.
Better to be safe than sorry, especially when it could have been helped in the first place! Between a first aid kit and a CPR kit, this should at least put your mind to rest a little more than it was before! Also, always make sure to keep any and all of your kits fully stocked! If you live in earthquake states or zones you can also get an earthquake kit. If you live in a section of the country where forest fires often happen, you can get a forest fire evac kit. There is always a solution, you just need to do a little research or visit us at www.DixieEMS.com today!
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