When a burn occurs, seconds count. For second and third degree burns you should go for medical help. But for minor burns and first aid burn treatment I always keep a Water-Jel product available.

What does it do? Well, Water-Jel is designed to draw the heat out of a burn. As simple as that. The heat spreads over the whole gel surface and released into the air.
What is so special about Water-Jel products is that they are consistent with both wet and dry burn treatment since they stop the burning process, cool the burned area, relieve pain, prevent further injury and do not contribute to hypothermia.
Take a look at this brave CEO, who doesn’t mind putting himself in the line of “fire”
Water-Jel has numerous must-have products for your home or professional use, and at www.dixieEms.com you can find all of them, at amazingly low prices. Are you prepared?
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