When victims suffer from a spinal injury, they need to be moved onto a stretcher. This is a very complicated maneuver which requires training by professionals. This procedure is called “log rolling” and it usually takes three or more people in order to preform this maneuver in a safe manner.
When the victim is lying on his back, one person should hold the victim’s head with both hands on each side of the head and make sure it stays stabilized. The other rescuers should position themselves at the abdominal area and near the feet.
While maintaining spinal control, the three rescuers will roll the victim on his side, place the stretcher and lower the victim back onto the stretcher.
This next video can be a visual aid to better understand the maneuver:
When using Ferno’s Scoop EXL Stretcher, the need for log-rolling is eliminated and cervical spine movements decrease drastically. It’s made from lightweight, high-impact composite materials with two hinged, interlocking pieces that allow operators to gently scoop up a patient without having to roll them, decreasing movement to the cervical spine. Head section recessed to maintain proper cervical alignment and the stretcher supports the victim in the position found, reducing risk of further injury.
If you are interested to learn more about the other stretchers available, check out Dixie EMS Supply. We can answer all your of your diagnostic equipment and emergency medical supply needs, with the lowest prices in the industry and a quick turnaround time. Give our customer service department a call or visit us online at www.dixieems.com.
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Summer brings the sun, the beach, lots and lots of fun, but also sunburns, heat burns and wild fires.
When a burn occurs, seconds count. For second and third degree burns you should go for medical help. But for minor burns and first aid burn treatment I always keep a Water-Jel product available.
What does it do? Well, Water-Jel is designed to draw the heat out of a burn. As simple as that. The heat spreads over the whole gel surface and released into the air.
What is so special about Water-Jel products is that they are consistent with both wet and dry burn treatment since they stop the burning process, cool the burned area, relieve pain, prevent further injury and do not contribute to hypothermia.
Take a look at this brave CEO, who doesn’t mind putting himself in the line of “fire”
Water-Jel has numerous must-have products for your home or professional use, and at www.dixieEms.com you can find all of them, at amazingly low prices. Are you prepared?
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There are numerous sunblock and sunscreen lotions to choose from, raging from SPF 15 to SPF 85 or more. So which one should you rub on? Actually, skin professional tend to divide sunscreen lotions into two groups – the ones that are under SPF 50 and the ones that are above. The first category is for people with normal skin, and the second category is for people who are more likely to develop skin cancer, or people with light skin who get burned easily.
When we go to the beach, or take a day trip, we tend to apply only a very thin lotion of sunblock, which means that if we use a little amount of SPF 15 we actually use something more like SPF 3 – that is the reason why using SPF 30 to 50 is recommended by skin specialists. When buying a sunscreen, make sure it has a UVA protection and try to apply it generously, about 30 minuets before you leave home, so it will have time to sink in. Repeat every two hours without skipping sensitive areas like the ears, feet and scalp!
If you want to learn more, take a look at this video and share it with your family and friends:
At www.dixieEms.com you can find a large selection of sunscreens and burn-revilers, all at discount prices. Dixie EMS has been providing EMS corporations, state agencies, city agencies and hospitals with quality emergency medical products and supplies for over 30 years. For more information or to view our products please visit us online at www.dixieEms.comRead More!
Aspirin was introduced more than 100 years ago, as an analgesic that helps relieving minor aches and pains and reduce fever. Later on, it became a long term aid known to reduce the risk of heart attacks and repair damaged blood vessels which turned Aspirin into the most widely used and famous medicine around the globe.
An aspirin a day keeps the doctor away? Maybe. Aspirin was called a Wonder Drug and proved amazing abilities in keeping the blood from clotting which can help prevent stroke or heart attacks. If you’re thinking about taking a daily dose of aspirin, talk to your doctor first, and see if you have a risk factor of having a stroke or heart disease.
Remember that aspirin, just like any drug, can have some serious side effects. Should you take aspirin? Maybe this short video can help:
At www.dixieEms.com you can find a large selection of Aspirin, Baby Aspirin and other over-the-counter medicine, all at discount prices. Dixie EMS has been providing EMS corporations, state agencies, city agencies and hospitals with quality emergency medical products and supplies for over 30 years. For more information or to view our products please visit us online at www.dixieEms.comRead More!