It’s not enough to look briefly at the CPR poster at your local burger joint. When the crucial time comes, you should be prepared and at have the basic knowledge – which can help you save a life! CPR - Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation - is a basic manual method to keep the heart pumping in an emergency situation.
CPR should be preformed when a victim is unconscious and doesn’t have a pulse, or does not breathe. Before you start, make sure that someone calls 911. If you are alone and the victim is an adult, call 911 first. If it is a child, you should perform CPR for two minutes and call the emergency services. In most cases, a 911 representative can help you with CPR instructions.
In order to clear the victim’s airway, tilt the head back. Pinch the victim’s nose and make sure no air will escape during the procedure.

Using a CPR kit mask, cover the victims mouth with yours and breathe twice, making sure that the chest is rising. Each breathe should be approximately one second.

If the patient does not respond to the artificial breathing and the chest does not rise, place both your hands over the victim’s chest, when the middle fingers are inline with the nipples. Push down fast, at a rate of 100 beats/minute for 30 times, and repeat the artificial breathing. Continue with two breathes and 30 pumps until the victim starts to breath and help arrives.

If the victim is a child use one hand and only two fingers if performing CPR on an infant.

Keeping a CPR kit is always important. An
Ambu Res-Cue Key CPR Face Shield for example is an easy to use and inexpensive CPR barrier with a one-way valve that prevents direct contact with the patients mouth, nose, and face. Visit for all of your EMS medical supplies and emergency preparedness requirements.
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