For the average citizen, no matter how much money you spend on emergency medical supplies, they can be useless in the event of an accident or disaster unless you know how to properly use them. If you truly want to be prepared, you need the knowledge and skills, in addition to the emt supplies. Unfortunately, the average person doesn’t have access to the detailed training of EMT professionals, so they must do their own research or get training.
First aid training is always a good idea. Anyone who has faced a disaster knows that you need to act quickly—every second counts. You can’t act quickly unless you know what you’re doing. And if you don’t know what you’re doing you could panic, which doesn’t help anyone. So if you’re interested in being prepared in the event of a disaster, you should enroll in a first aid training course and do independent research through training books available online and at bookstores.
There are also many video tutorials online that provide a great learning base for proper first aid techniques.
Here is a video about how to use a pillow as a splint. Very cool!
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Emergency Medical Supplies Are No Good Without Knowledge
Posted by
Jessica G.
Monday, April 26, 2010
emergency medical supplies,
EMS gear,
emt supplies
in my families case, i always remind my children on how to use the medical supplies and equipment like the stethoscope, bandage and the like on emergency situations. having an emergency kit without an idea on how to use it is indeed useless. thanks for the great article by the way.
Your blog article is really very informative in which you have delicately describe the sensitive topic of Emergency Medical Supplies. Thanks for sharing this and please keep sharing.
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