When it comes to any profession, there are going to be basic supplies and gear you will need to have in order to do your job. In the case of EMS gear or EMT supplies there are a few basic emergency medical supplies you should have on hand - both professionally and personally. A few of the basics are not only going to be for the safety of others, but yourself as well. For example, while a flashlight is a terrific thing to have in order to illuminate objects in the dark, this can also be used as a weapon if the time had come where you needed it.
Now when it comes to first aid kits you should have some VERY basic wound preparation supplies such as absorbent compress dressings, adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipe packets, pair of non-latex gloves, hydro-cortisone ointment packets and scissors. The non-latex gloves are of the utmost importance! This is going to obviously keep your hands clean and free of chemicals, blood and other liquids.
The reason for non-latex is sort of obvious, some people are actually allergic to the chemicals in latex, so it's best to just be safe and use non-latex instead. Also, some people that wear latex oftentimes get rashes and such on their hands. This is not only the basics for an EMS or EMT, but as suggested by the Red Cross it's also items that a household should have in their basic first aid kit as well! Hey, if it's good enough for the professionals, it's good enough for me!
For more information, visit us at www.DixieEMS.com
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